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What are autologous resorces?

Cells in our blood

In our blood there are cells that are capable of attracting pluripotent cells capable of transforming into others that benefit the surgery site.

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How are autologous resources obtained?

These resources are obtained from the patient's blood

A blood sample is taken from the patient and then centrifuged at different speeds and times. The result will give us iPRF and PRF Membranes.

Benefits from iPRF

Oxygenated environment

The benefits that we can obtain from autologous resources are faster bone regeneration since there is a scaffold of cells that attract others that begin the healing process along with an oxygenated environment.


What type of techniques can we implement from autologous resources?

A great variety

After centrifuging the blood, we can obtain, depending on the speed and time, resources such as Fibrin-rich plasma, iPRF, PRF membranes, PRF plug.

Bone Graft & Sticky Bone

Resorces to build or preserve bone structure

The autologous resources obtained from the patient's blood to generate iPRF through centrifugation combined with bone graft results in sticky bone. With this we can accelerate the graft integration process since it promotes faster vascularization. Resulting in faster oxygenation at the surgical site.

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What techniques can be performed with the different presentations of fibrin-rich plasma (FRP)?

Surgical Techniques with Plasma

With the different presentations of fibrin-rich plasma combined with bone graft, we can perform alveolar preservation after an extraction, filling spaces after an immediate implant, sinus lift, among many others. With PRF membranes we can protect the bone graft, reconstruct soft tissues, among other applications.

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