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What is IV sedation?


Intravenous (IV) sedation is a type of anesthesia given through a tube placed in a vein. It helps you relax, prevents you from feeling pain, and is mainly used for minor medical-dental procedures that don't require deeper general anesthesia.

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How to prepare for IV sedation?

One day before

Eating and drinking should be avoided 8 hours before intravenous sedation. The medications you are prescribed should be taken as you normally do. Also bring someone to drive you back home. 


Who administers
IV sedation? 

Medical Doctor Specialized in Anesthesiology


Recovery after IV sedation in Dentistry

Waking up

Typically, you will feel groggy after your procedure and may have a slight headache and nausea. You usually will be observed for 30 minutes after the procedure before you are able to return home with your driver.

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