What is a Root Canal?
It is a technique in which access to the nerve chamber is created. The nerve and its vascular supply are removed, as well as any remnants of caries, the interior of the root and the pulp chamber is disinfected and sealed.

When is a Root canal performed?
A root canal is performed when the tooth has been invaded by caries, destruction of a large portion of the dental structure, nerve no longer has a vascular supply, internal or external resorption or invasion of bacteria into the nerve chamber.
Dental clinic with root canal specialist or endodontist in Los Algodones Mexico.
At ADAGIO Implants & Orthodontics we have in-door specialists with degrees of Orthodontist, Endodontist, and Implant Surgeon. Dr Michelle Vega is our in-door endodontist at Los Algodones Mexico Clinic.
Can root canals be performed in a single appointment at ADAGIO Los Algodones Mexico?
Depending on the complexity and whether the infection reached the bone or not, it will be determined to be able to do it in a single appointment. When there is an active infection, the fluids resulting from such infection are in the bone. You must wait for the body to eliminate this waste before you can intervene again and disinfect the roots of the tooth to finish the root canal. In other situations, it is possible to finish in a single appointment.
How is the tooth sealed internally after root canal treatment?
A resin core or a fiber post can be placed.

Should a crown be placed after a root canal?
Yes, to protect the dental structure, a crown made by the laboratory is placed. In this way we protect the tooth, so it does not fracture.

What is an endodontic retreatment?
When we observe in an x-ray some indication that makes us think that a root canal does not meet the quality standards, we can perform a retreatment. It consists of removing the old endodontic material, disinfecting the roots, and placing new material. If the discomfort still does not go away within 4 weeks, we can try to perform apical surgery as a last option before deciding to extract the tooth.
Why can a tooth with a root canal still hurt?
On some occasions the tooth may be cracked and continue to cause discomfort. These are difficult situations to diagnose since an x-ray does not show a breakage of the tooth. It may also be because the tooth was not quickly sealed with its dental crown and bacteria entered to contaminate the tooth, throwing debris into the bone, and causing chronic inflammation. Another situation is when the tooth had an infectious process in which the bone was affected, and bacteria colonized on the external surface of the root. We as endodontists can disinfect the inside of the root, but not the outside.

In which cases is Apical Surgery required?
An apical surgery consists of removing 3 mm of the final part of the root and sealing it with another material called MTA. This procedure is performed when the final part of the root has a persistent lesion with symptoms. It is the last procedure that can be performed before deciding to extract the tooth.
What should I know regarding tooth extraction?
It is important to preserve the space occupied by the extracted tooth. One way to do this is by placing a dental implant. The implant consists of a conical-shaped titanium body with spirals which are integrated into the bone. Thus, giving a substitute “root” to which prosthetic attachments such as crowns can be placed. The new crown will look the same color as your other teeth. At the time of extraction, it is important to do one of the following two techniques:
1) Extraction + bone graft to preserve the volume of bone where the roots of the tooth were. Both in height and width. You must wait 4 months to be able to place the implant and another 4 months to be able to place the crown on the implant.

2) Extraction + immediate implant + graft, depending on the situation and the bone destruction that may exist, this technique may or may not be used. The implant must have initial stability in the bone to be viable for it to integrate properly into the bone. This decision is made at the time of the procedure. You must wait 6 months to be able to place the crown on the implant.
